Interview by Scott Preston
Photos by Scott Preston, Matt Witherspoon

Cincy Groove: So I understand the Fairmount Girls are having a cd release show this month? is the cd all finished?
Beth: Yes it going to be June 27 at Northside Tavern. The cd is all finished.
Cincy Groove: How long have The Fairmount Girls been together?
Beth: To tell you the truth I'm not really sure. I think I'm like the 16th person to be in the band. There have been some good incarnations and some not so good. This group we have now is really good and we have been getting some positive feedback. The kind of weird thing with this group is that everyone in the Fairmount Girls right now is also in their own bands. When this group first came together we were all very strong players in our own bands, so it took a little while for us to all meld together. I'm really happy with how we all groove together.
The group now is myself (Lovely Crash) Pat Hennessey (Tiger Lillies), Randy Cheek (The Ass Ponys), Melissa Fairmount (The Thirteens, My Wife the Tiger), and Dana Hamblen (Culture Queer). All those bands are very different and very strong. So its something we spent a lot of time on bringing all of those influences together.

Cincy Groove: Do you remember the name of the first band you were ever in?
Beth: Yes, it was Perfect Jewish Couple. It was actually one of the first bands in Cincinnati to use tape loops and synthesizers. This was back in 1981, I was going to the University of Cincinnati at the time. My roommate Shari Lauter was in Perfect Jewish Couple and they recorded a lot at the house. I started doing some recording with her and background vocals and then she asked me is I wanted to start playing with them. The other person in the group was Kelly Hale and I had grown up with him in West Chester.
Read the full Interview here
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